Tuesday, April 30, 2013

BIke mag interview

Second group interviewed, I think we win for most awkward. Also featuring Brian's lady who handled the interview far better than us. 


Monday, April 29, 2013

WTF of the Day

I know most people have probably seen this, but it has to be here in the records. This guy absolutely KILLS it...on a road bike....give it another watch if you've already seen it. It's worth it.

Cedirc killing it

Cedric straight pinned.

best interview yet.

Pinkbike's Volkswagen Rider Interviews on Pinkbike

Only question, wasn't this in a r32?

ohhh my gawwd

Brian Lopes on Telonics on Pinkbike

Gore Warning (my arm)

I have got really good at crashing recently. Slapped at Sea Otter in practice. Broke my d3 on the Tuesday before Sea Otter. Now today on the same trail I broke my d3 I put a nice hole in my arm.

I have got really good at crashing recently. Slapped at Sea Otter in practice. Broke my d3 on the Tuesday before Sea Otter. Now today on the same trail I broke my d3 I put a nice hole in my arm.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Dreams do come true!

Today was awesome. Aside for getting stitches, but fuck that it still was a good day. Shuttle runs plus some more awesome. I got to drive a (pretty sure it was a 2012) Subaru Wrx STI. I have loved the wrx since I started caring about cars. It is legitimately my dream car. The feeling that you get when you stomp on it is fucking awesome. When you are thrown back into you seat because of acceleration, that is fucking cool. Also you can hit corners stupid fast. I had a grin from ear to ear and pretty much laughed the whole way I was that stoked. Bottom line, I will own one at some point in my life end of story.

                                                        sorry I had to i was waayyyy to stoked.
                                                                   super dialed car

WTF of the Day

American Cheese

"The emulsifiers reduce the tendency for tiny fat globules in the cheese to coalesce and pool on the surface of the molten cheese."

How's that for a sentence? Yum...

Friday, April 26, 2013

Photo Friday...again

Had to throw this up, sick Nik steeze at the pumptrack

Red Bull Pushing It

Although I don't like energy drinks at all, especially Red Bull, I have to hand it to them for pushing the limits of all sports. Who else would fly a group of bmxers to a pumice field in Argentina to ride the natural skatepark-like terrain? This is so rad, mad props to Red Bull!

Photo Friday


OG Chico Shit

Hell yeah these trails are MTB history. Zach Dank went to federal court for these, so gnarly

Monday, April 22, 2013

Sea Otter 2013

It all started at 2:30 in the morning when me Conor B and Joedog left San Rafael and headed to Leguna Seca. After a car ride I half slept through. We arrived at leguna seca at about 5am. Conor is a champ for making the drive. As soon as we got there I just threw my stuff on the ground and passed out. Slalom practice was in 3 hours.

Sleeping Arrangements Day #1

 I woke up pounded a redbull and ate some pudding. Talk about food for a winner. After dealing with registration I headed over to the dual slalom course. The course was all time awesome except for the flat corners on the blue lane. After having a great time in pratice, quali came around. I just wanted to have a solid run and chill. I ended up 4th. Which was cool considering I barely pedaled and was running on 2 hourse of sleep+redbull pudding. The rest of the day was spent cruising the pits talking to people and meeting people. Good stuff. I went to bed early and kept it mellow because I had slalom finals the next day and wanted to do well.

On Friday I woke up and got ready for slalom. I went into round one knowing I had a good chance of winning because the guy qualified comfortably slower. I proceeded to win both heats and was stoked. Then I realized I had to race the #1 qualifier. Luckily we where already at the round of 4 so either way I would make a medal round. I ended up loosing both rounds but would have won the first if I pedaled. Then I went into the small final and proceeded to loose the first round. Sense i was down time and had nothing to loose i went 100% the next round and ended up making up the gap and winning. I was stoked to finally get some redemption at Sea Otter Slalom.

For the record I was not arrested.


Drunk Monkeys

Watched this in class today...sick!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013


Just yes.

Jumptrack Madness

Kyle's pumptrack is like none other. It is a cross between transfer gaps and pumps, that are super technical but can easy enough for beginners. There are literally at least 50 lines and counting and something is constantly being changed or added on. Kyle's yard may be small, but the use of space is ridiculous in how every foot is accounted for. Dirt skatepark. What other "pumptrack" has a wallride, vert wall, decent sized hip, spine, and step up? Check it.

Kyle Warner Pumptrack Self Edit from kyle warner on Vimeo.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

class is in session

Fabien knows his shit when if comes to biking. There is not a single thing he says in this video that is off, especially about 29ers. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Clips are taking over

You know when Sam Hill and Sam Blenkinsop are both running clips things are changing. Personally I think a lot of riders are switching to clips because the courses are far more beneficial to be clipped in. Not because of who is running them.  Bring schladming back and I bet flats will be back.

Sam Blenkinsop - Two Hours, Two Lenses on Pinkbike
Blenkinsop clearly able to adapt to clip-less

Friday, April 5, 2013

"He's so funny"

My cheeks hurt from laughing so hard at this. Shit had me in tears. I think the best part about it is that camera man is losing his shit the whole time he's filming. That and it's a dog in a suit with human arms eating peanut butter with a spoon and drinking water out of a glass. My dog is not gonna be a happy camper when I go home next, 'cause that dag is getting stuffed in a suit and getting force fed some easy cheese.
Well, he'll hate the suit part but that son of a bitch loves his easy cheese.

Photo Friday

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Fuck it Friday

Fail Friday (makes a comeback)

Eating shit at Sea Otter is generally a glory reserved for cat 2 and 3s. Here is our very own Hunter Morgan going it big. As sad as it may be that he cracked under the immense pressure and crashed. that dismount was fucking pro. He walked away completely unharmed. Learning to crash well is a good skill.


Monday, April 1, 2013


Mikey is without a doubt the most underrated downhiller in america. Now that he has a good set up, just wait for the results to roll in. OH yea he can scrub too..............
Rapid Fire: Mikey Sylvestri DH Blazing - More Mountain Bike Videos

OH yea he can scrub too....