Welcome to Team DirtyFive30. We are a group of riders out of Chico, California here to deliver you quality.....bike shit and random rants of randomness!
This is one of my all time favorite edits. Whoever had the idea for those whoops made a really good call. This video really makes me want to go down to Utah and find some cool stuff. A Utah trip will happen one day....................
We have all been here. You think you are about to have a massive crash and probably die. But then you somehow don't. Its a crazy phenomenon that happens every once and a while. Be it a nasty nose case, endoing in a sketching rockgarden, clipping a rock mid bunnyhop it could be anything.
Here is a prime example of someone surviving one of these.
ps: I hope a 26 inch bike wins the first enduro world series. Lets keep it real people.
Rubiks cubes are no longer that cool once you realize that its just a pattern, especially because no one actually figures it out nowadays they just look it up online. This, however. Next level shit!
Jackie Chan needs to be on crutches around his family minding his own business, and ninjas need to come in and then Jackie will destroy them all with his crutches. Maybe he'll have some add-on knifes and shit. That would be a badass scene. This is what comes up when you search for that scene. A hobo vs a tourist, watch and enjoy
Its all about clean landings. I would say the closest people to achieving this on a bike is Soderstrom, Semenuk and Lecondeguy. They lack any bit of sketchiness when doing tricks and they land very clean.